Weeknotes 9 (Long awaited?)

Weeknotes really isn't weeknotes but it is here in it's guise as weeknotes. Recent weeks have had me burying any hope of sleep like a forgotten lover. It's been as bleak as a midwinter morning on a murder scene out here guys and I've got to be honest, at times quite emotional. But it feels somewhat like a new chapter and I'm taking brief respite of a few hours to clean up my over-burdened hard-drive, backup and write some updates.

James Blake, Voyeur

New music video is out! Again it was done with Ferry Gouw my usual collaborative partner on these things and we went for a 'microscoping-your-way-through-a-vinyl-that's-underwater-plus-LSD' vibe. That's the post-rationalisation anyway. Check it out.

Mercenary Cubiclists..!

They're finally finished and as I type (not as you read, there's a timer here) the whole project is being transported by Belgian courier to Z33 ready to be loaded into a van for Milan. There's some info about the show here.

For your viewing pleasure as well, some photos of the build process and objects that are going in the show. I've also put up the first 'preview' image. Yay OMG.

Wlecome to Galtham

This is the first of five photographs that will be providing the background underpinning of the show and the objects.


The computer that the cubiclists use. It keeps them hypnotised with games while keeping them psychologically, ideologically and physically enslaved. To mention my wonderful friend again - Ferry Gouw is responsible for the graphics on the computer screen.


There's also going to be a scale model of the cubiclists and their 'hubs' on a graphical layout of the system that enslaves them and demonstrates their links with their double city in China and their resource caps.


A sketch of a hub 'in situe.'

So it's all being shipped out now and once it's there I'll take some good photos and get the whole thing uploaded onto a project page and we can all have a proper gawp. That'll be nice won't it? Aye yes it will.

While in Milan...

I'm going to be taking part in a couple of events. Confirmed so far are the Afrofuture event being run by Cher Potter and Alexandra Daisy-Ginsberg on Friday 12th and also a thing with Abitare magazine on design education and object-orientated futures (I think) on Wednesday 10th. Come and see me if you're there. Actually just come and find me, apart from these things, I imagine I'll just be milling about looking for things to get on with.

Back in Britain...

I'm exhibiting New Mumbai at Tin Shed in New Cross in late April / early May so that's going to be a good opportunity to see it on a big, dedicated screen, over and over and over and over and over again for free. Amazing.

Then after that...

I'm keynoting A New Dawn in English at ArtEz near Rotterdam at the end of May. It looks like a really amazing event, there's some awesome artists also on the bill including Charles Avery. It's looking at a metamodernist approach to futures stuff and how art and design can work with that language to be more positive about the future.
On May 24 we are seriously getting to work on the future, without being naïve about it. From sustainable design to constructive engagement, and with sensitivity for each other, our surroundings and our artistic practice. And we’re gonna be hard core! New ways of working, implementing the newest technologies and getting back to basics too. It’s sure to be a success!
 So there we are, some updates. I'll try and send some stuff from the ground in Milan and maybe we can have a chat. Reet nice.